Wednesday, January 16, 2019


I wanted to start this blog of mine back up because I'm back in an office job and I was looking at LOTS of time of my hands and nothing to occupy that time. So, here we go...

Then work switched shit up.


It's awesome. Honestly, it is. However, I still want to do the blog since I did start it back up :)

So, maybe not daily updates?

Anyway, I have been composing this post in my head since New Years.

16 days later... :D

I don't really believe in "Resolutions", but I do believe in goals.

Here are my goals for 2019

1. Write my goals down. Cross them off as I achieve them. Add more to replace them. Perhaps, evaluate quarterly and see?

2. Bills. Sit down at the beginning of each pay period and DISCUSS (That's the KEY word, for me) with my husband what is due. HOW MUCH is each bill, and what he will pay vs what I will pay. In Ohio, I was making $50k+ a year. I took a check for "X" dollars a week from him for bills. I paid everything. He didn't know what bills we had or how much they were...just that we had them and I paid them and he gave me money towards them. I make a hair shy of $25,000 a year. Can't do what we did in Ohio anymore and it has been the HARDEST change for me. We never talked about money before. It's uncomfortable and we both don't like it, so we didn't...and we made enough money we really didn't have to. NOW, we do. This is my goal. I think that it will make things easier and there will be less fighting.

3. Catch up. I moved out here and didn't work for a year. Then, I worked at Target which COST me more money in the long run than helped me, financially. Then, my court fine that has been around my neck for the last year. I have gotten a decent job but forking over $200+ a month towards this court fine every month has only buried me deeper. I am FINALLY done. I just got a raise on January 1. I am looking forward to catching up all my bills. Getting them to a zero balance. Not paying ONLY the bills that I have on a payment extension so they don't get shut off. I plan on playing an extra $50 a pay on one utility each pay until I am current and show nothing owed until the monthly bill. Then, once I am there, I can pay LESS each month per bill (you know, the ACTUAL amount I owe and not the past due plus late fees etc) and then start to pay more on my car payment  and what not.

4. Travel. I want to go visit my friends back home in Ohio with Jackson. They haven't seen me or him in person since 2015. I also want to go visit my BFF in Florida. I'm hoping completing #2 and #3 will help me save do I can do this. It means the world to me.

5. I want to make Manger by 2020. I will have been here 2 years. It's totally do-able. They are talking about growing and adding another manager. I WANT that position. I can DO that position. I am practically doing that position now. It should be completely do-able. It's my goal :D

6. Just be happy and content with where I am and what I have :D

That's it for now. I will check on them in April :D

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